When you close on your house with a buyer or vacate it to relocate, you’ll want to be sure you’ve covered all of your bases. Such as negotiated conditions to excellent seller etiquette. There are certain steps to take after your home sells that every responsible seller should do. Making a home-selling checklist can ensure that you do them all.
After all of your personal things and furniture have been taken from your house, your closing checklist will serve as a guide for your next steps. You are not necessarily compelled by law to vacate the property immediately after closing, even if you have already moved out. The sales contract will detail the date that the buyer has the right to take possession of the property. Following is some basic information that will help you after you have sold your home.

All seller disclosures, as well as the purchase contract and closing statement, should be saved. At closing, your escrow officer or closing agent should offer you a comprehensive package that includes all of these items. These documents can get disorganized at times. Make every effort to keep them all in one place, as you may need them again if something happens.
If you don’t have time to clean your house before you leave, contact a professional cleaning service to do it for you. What constitutes a clean house is frequently a matter of personal preference and opinion. Shampooing the carpets isn’t always necessary, but it’s a pleasant touch. Inside and out, clean the cabinets, refrigerators, and other appliances.
It’s never a bad idea to make a nice last impression on a consumer with small details like polishing sink fixtures. Leave your home in the same condition that you would want to find it if you were a buyer.
Turn off the faucets, toilets, dishwashers, water heater, refrigerator, and washing machine shut-off valves. If you leave a letter for the buyers, they won’t need to call a plumber. Turn off all light and fan switches. Some vendors turn off all of the circuit breakers. This may be a little excessive, but it prevents them from paying for electricity until the account is switched.
The last walkthrough should be attended. There are many peculiarities about a house that only the former owner would be aware of. During the final walkthrough, you can tell the buyer or agent which switch controls the lights, whether a door sticks, and how to adjust the swimming pool filter.
Call your insurance agent after you know the deed has been recorded or the title transfer has formally occurred. Any prepaid premiums for your homeowner’s insurance should be refunded to you. 2
Cancel your utilities and put an end to your newspaper subscription. Make a note of all of your utility and entertainment companies’ phone numbers ahead of time. Keep in mind that not all utilities are paid on a monthly basis. You may be due a refund, be required to pay a balance, or be able to transfer the debt to your next residence.
For the next owner, leave all house keys, remotes, gate keys, pool keys, and mailbox keys. The buyers will most likely change the locks after they move in, although this will not happen right away. Place them in a kitchen drawer or another conveniently accessible spot.
Assemble a packet with all of the appliance manuals, receipts, and warranties. While packing, you may have come across instructions for the HVAC, security system, sprinkler system, or appliances. Put receipts from contractors, warranties, and termite inspections in an envelope and put them in a drawer with the manuals and the security alarm code.
Forgotten objects should be checked in cupboards, drawers, and storage locations. Even if your spouse or friend claims to have gone through every room with a fine-tooth comb, looking for anything you might have missed, double-check.
Lock the windows and doors and close the curtains. You’d be surprised how many folks forget to lock their doors. Locking up is especially crucial if the house will be vacant for an extended period of time. Consider setting a timer for an affordable lamp.
Remember to inform everyone of your whereabouts. Send the post office a change-of-address form, but keep in mind that not all mail can be forwarded. You may need to contact some organizations directly to inform them of your new address.
Summary: Steps To Take After Your Home Sells
When you close on your house with a buyer or vacate it to relocate, you’ll want to be sure you’ve covered all of your bases. Such as negotiated conditions to excellent seller etiquette. There are certain steps to take after your home sells that every responsible seller should do. Making a home-selling checklist can ensure that you do them all.
After all of your personal things and furniture have been taken from your house, your closing checklist will serve as a guide for your next steps. You are not necessarily compelled by law to vacate the property immediately after closing, even if you have already moved out. The sales contract will detail the date that the buyer has the right to take possession of the property.
If you have any questions about what to do after your home sells contact me today.